Welcome to Green Class2023 - 2024
Please find more information about our Year 3 class below.
Mrs Robinson - Class Teacher
Our Rainbow Pledge display in Green Class |
Green Class Summer Term, 2024
History Knowledge Organiser - Ancient Egypt
Science Knowledge Organiser - Plants
RE Knowledge Organsier - Christianity
Green Class Spring, Term, 2024
Geography Knowledge Organiser - Volcanoes
RE Knowledge Organiser - Hinduism
Green Class Autumn Term 2, 2023
Knowledge organiser - RE, Islam
Knowledge organiser - Forces and Magnets
Knowledge Organiser - The Stone Age
Green Class Autumn Term 1, 2023
In Green Class, we will be learning about ' Rocks, Soils and Fossils' in Science; 'The Stone Age' in History; and 'How do Christians show that reconciliation with God and other people is important?' in RE. Please take a look at the knowledge organisers for the key information the children will be learning about in these subjects.
Knowledge Organiser - RE, Reconciliation
Science Knowledge Organiser - Rocks and Soils
Knowledge Organiser - The Stone Age
Green Class Summer Term 1, 2023
History Knowledge Organiser - Ancient Egypt
Green Class Spring Term 2, 2023
Science Knowledge Organiser - Plants
RE Knowledge Organsier - Christianity
Visit to Debenham Church
At the end of term, we walked to the Church to learn more about Easter. We took part in a carousel of different activities which taught us all about the Easter story and the resurrection of Jesus.
Green Class Spring Term 1, 2023
Science Knowledge Organiser - Rocks and Soils
Geography Knowledge Organiser - Volcanoes
RE Knowledge Organiser - Hinduism
Green Class Autumn Term 2, 2022
In Science this half term, we will be moving onto forces and magnets, in history we are continuing to learn about the Stone Age and in RE we are going to be learning about Islam and how a Muslim shows their submission and obedience to Allah.
Knowledge organiser - Forces and Magnets
Knowledge organiser - The Stone Age
Knowledge organiser - RE, Islam
We are reading the book 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth', by Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley. We are looking at the features of instructional texts and the children are learning to use imperative verbs to write instructions and to use prepositions to add more detail to their sentences. |
Next, we will be reading extracts from 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe', by C.S. Lewis and using this as the inspiration for children to write their own narrative. |
We have been learning how to add and subtract using 2 and 3-digit numbers using a column method. We have used place value charts and counters to help us to learn this new skill.
Green Class, Autumn Term 1 2022
In Science this term we are learning about light and in history we are learning about the Stone Age. In RE we are learning about how Christians show that 'reconciliation' with God and other people is important. Take a look at the knowledge organisers below for the key information the children will be learning in these subjects.
Knowledge organiser - The Stone Age
Knowledge orgnaiser - RE, Reconciliation
The Rainbow Pledge display in Green Class Each child completed a rainbow, writing down all 7 pledges and signing their name to show that they will learn by following our Rainbow Pledges.
Our Christian Values. |
Green class drew pictures of 'The Hippocrump' using their imaginations in response to the poem by James Reeves. They used oil pastels and Brusho. |
We carried out an experiment to explore how different objects are more or less visible in different levels of lighting. The children had to identify objects in boxes by looking through a small hole. Another hole in the box allowed the children to control the amount of light that could enter the box by placing opaque and translucent paper over the hole. They discovered that objects with a shiny or light surface were more visible because they reflected the light and that objects with a dark or dull surface were harder to see because they absorbed the light.
This term we have been learning about place value using numbers from 0 to 1000 and adding and subtracting using 3-digit numbers. We use resources to help the children learn and to embed new concepts.
Partitioning a 2-digit number into tens and ones using a part, whole representation and Base 10.
Partitioning a 2- digit number using base 10. Partitioning a 3-digit number using Base 10 and a place-value chart and counters to represent the value of each digit in the number. |
Children using a place-value chart to help them with addition and subtraction calculations. |
Blyth Class, 2021/2022
In English, we have been writing explanation texts. We were inspired by Wallace and Gromit to design our own 'Cracking Contraptions', then explained how they worked.
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In Art, we have been creating collages:
In our 3D Art unit, we created bowls and painted them in the style of the artist Anthony Frost:
Spring Term 2022
During World Book Week, we looked at 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. He wrote the book for his new born son to tell him all about the wonderful world he had been born into. We have written our own notes for living on Planet Earth:
During Science Week, we carried out lots of exciting experiments. We created rainbows using capillary action!
In Art, we have been creating collages based on Matisse's idea of using positive and negative shapes:
Autumn Term 2021
Some highlights from this term:
In RE, we have been finding out how Christians show that reconciliation with God and other people is important. We created 'freeze frames' of what we think reconciliation looks like:
In Art, we have been experimenting with drawing using different types of pencils. We made different shades and tones:
In maths, we have been working in pairs and group, using equipment to support our learning:
Miss Jo Squirrell - Class Teacher