Blue Class - Year 2
Welcome to Blue Class.
Blue Class Timetable Summer 2024Summer 1 2024
Science Knowledge Organiser - Plants
History Knowledge Organiser - Local Historical Figures
RE Knowledge Organiser - Judaism
This term the children will be learning about local significant historical figures like Sir Robert Hitcham, Kieron Dyer and John Constable.
In Science the children will be learning about the part of plants, trees, bulbs and seeds, they will be making comparisons between seeds and bulbs, identifying what plants need to grow, how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants grow and the different stages and they will be looking into germination.
In Art the children will be learning to dye fabric and create different patterns and prints.
In PSHE the children will be learning the names of the female and male parts of the body, the differences between males and females, the name of baby animals and the changes that occur as they get older.
In DT the children will be learning to name fruits and vegetables, that all food comes from plants or animals and it has to be farmed, grown elsewhere or caught, evaluate salads that have already been made and to design their own salad and write a recipe.
In Maths the children will be learning how to find a half, quarter , three quarters and third of a given amount and shape, identify o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past, count in five minutes intervals and identify how many hours are in a day .
Spring 2 2024
Geography - Continents and Oceans
Science - Living Things and their Habitats
In Science the children have been continuing to learn about habitats but they focused more on micro habitats and food chains. They went on a school trip to Colchester Zoo and had an amazing time.
In DT the children have created finger puppets based on their favourite animals.
On Tuesday 12th March the children were very lucky to have the New Wolsey Theatre come into school to perform a show called the Hare and the Tortoise which was kindly paid for by the Friends of School.
Spring 1 2024
Knowledge OrganisersRE - How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful?
Geography - Continents and Oceans
Science - Living Things and their Habitats
In Science the children will be learning about living things and their habitats and micro habitats.
In RE the children will be learning about Islam and they we will be answering the question: How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful? The children will be learning about a range of stories such as Muhammad and the ants, Muhammad and the thirsty dog, Muhammad and the cat, Muhammad and the birds, The lady with rubbish and the sad camel. They will also learn about Ramadan a period of time when Muslims fast, Eid a celebration at the end of Ramadan when there is a new moon, Allah who is their God and about prayers.
In Art, the children will be learning to respond to the work of Wassily Kandinsky and Anthony Frost and the techniques they used for painting and in Textiles they will be learning the skills for dip dying and printing on fabric. Anthony Frost is a British painter noted for his abstract work consisting of brightly coloured prints and collages. He uses different materials to create texture in his paintings.
Autumn 2 2023
Knowledge Organisers
Science - Uses of Everyday Materials
Geography - Continents and Oceans
RE - Why was Jesus given the name ‘saviour’?
In DT the children have been learning about the parts of vehicles and they have designed and created their own using a range of resources.
In Art, the children have started to learn about the artist called Henri Matisse and his piece of artwork called 'The Snail'. The children have learnt about primary and secondary colours and they have started to create their own snail using torn pieces of paper in a spiral pattern. They have also been learning about an artist called Bridget Riley who produces Op Art and they had a go at creating their own.
The children have been busy learning their lines and rehearsing for the Christmas Nativity called 'The Twinkly Nativity'. In English they wrote invitations to send to their parents inviting them to their last Nativity performance.
The children created poppies in different ways for Remembrance Day.
Autumn 1 2023
This half term the theme is 'Amazing Me! Amazing You!'
In History, the children have been learning that a timeline shows events in chronological order and they have been learning that Florence Nightingale is a significant historical figure.
In RE, they have started a unit of work on Judaism and they have been learning about what it is like to repent, how they can tell if somebody is sorry and how Rosh Hashanah is celebrated. They tried eating apples with honey which is a tradition at Rosh Hashanah. They have listened to the story 'The Hardest Word' and how a bird called Ziz had to learn how to say sorry for his mistakes. At Yom Kippur, Jewish people have the chance to put things right before asking for God's forgiveness.
In Art, the children have been learning that expressive marks can be made in response to music and adjectives such as thick, thin, wavy and bumpy.
The children then listened to a story called 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' and used their imagination to make expressive marks for main character called Plop.
Below show some learning from last year.
Summer 2 2023
This term the children will be using a range of Katie Morag books in English to help them learn how to write instructions and newspaper report.
In DT, the children will be designing, planning and making a vegetable salad.
In PE the children will be developing their throwing, jumping and running techniques ready for Sports Day.
In Geography, the children will be learning about the key features needed on a map, how to create a sound map, how to draw a map of the village and the school field.
This term the children will also be taking part in Music Day, Science Week, Sports Day, Map Day and Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Days.
Summer 1 2023
Science Knowledge Organiser - Plants
History Knowledge Organiser - Local Historical Figures
This term the children will be learning about local significant historical figures like Sir Robert Hitcham, Kieron Dyer and John Constable.
In PE the children will doing Yoga and they will be learning about different breathing techniques and different poses.
In Science the children will be learning about the part of plants, trees, bulbs and seeds, they will be making comparisons between seeds and bulbs, identifying what plants need to grow, how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants grow and the different stages and they will be looking into germination.
In Art the children will be learning to dye fabric and create different patterns and prints.
In PSHE the children will be learning the names of the female and male parts of the body, the differences between males and females, the name of baby animals and the changes that occur as they get older.
In DT the children will be learning to name fruits and vegetables, that all food comes from plants or animals and it has to be farmed, grown elsewhere or caught, evaluate salads that have already been made and to design their own salad and write a recipe.
In Maths the children will be learning how to find a half, quarter , three quarters and third of a given amount and shape, identify o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past, count in five minutes intervals and identify how many hours are in a day .
Spring 2 2023
Geography - Continents and Oceans
Science - Living Things and their Habitats
In Science the children will continue to learn about habitats but they focus more on microhabitats and food chains. Whilst exploring microhabitats the children will learn about plants.
The children will going on a school trip to Colchester Zoo to find out more about animals and their habitats.
In Maths the children will be learning about measurement , measuring the length and height of objects in metres and centimetres, ordering and comparing lengths, temperature, mass in grams and kilograms, volume and capacity in millilitres and litres.
In RE the children will be learning about What are the best symbols of Jesus’ death and resurrection at Easter? The children will explore what symbols such as a cross, nail, olive, crown of thorns, towel, candle and egg have to do with the Easter story.
In Art the children will be learning about Printing. They will be learning to print with negative and positive stencils, use a slab relief block for the overprinting process and to direct print with found objects.
In PE the children will be continuing with gymnastics and they will begin a dance unit.
In DT the children will be begin to make their animal finger puppets out of felt sewing the two pieces together using a running stitch.
In Music the children will learn a song called Zoo Time and they will continue to find the pulse, march to the beat, learn to sing, play notes on a glockenspiel and improvise.
In English the children will be looking at the books below.
Somebody Swallowed Stanley
Kaya's Heart Song
Spring 1 2023
Spring Newsletter
Knowledge Organisers for Spring 1
RE - How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful?
Geography - Continents and Oceans
Science - Living Things and their Habitats
In Science the children will be learning about living things and their habitats and micro habitats. The children will be learning about how an animal is suited to its habitat and why it wouldn't survive in a different habitat.
In Geography the children will be learning about hot and cold places and making comparisons between countries.
In Maths the children will be learning about how to add coins together, add notes and coins together, find out how much change is needed, make totals in different ways, multiplying and dividing numbers by 2,5 and 10, creating equal groups, doubling and halving.
In RE the children will be learning about Islam and they we will be answering the question: How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful? The children will be learning about a range of stories such as Muhammad and the ants, Muhammad and the thirsty dog, Muhammad and the cat, Muhammad and the birds, The lady with rubbish and the sad camel. They will also learn about Ramadan a period of time when Muslims fast, Eid a celebration at the end of Ramadan when there is a new moon, Allah who is their God and about prayers.
In Art, the children will be learning to respond to the work of Wassily Kandinsky and Anthony Frost and the techniques they used for painting and in Textiles they will be learning the skills for dip dying and printing on fabric. Anthony Frost is a British painter noted for his abstract work consisting of brightly coloured prints and collages. He uses different materials to create texture in his paintings. At the end of this art unit the children will be painting a picture of The Quangle Wangles Hat using the story which they learnt about in Autumn one as a starting point.
In PSHE lessons the children will focus on living in the wider world, learning about people living in different places to us and their ways of life and engaging with the concept of respecting rights of people in our community.
In English, the children will be learning to write for different purpose to include letters, recounts and reports. They will be continuing to improve sentence structure using noun phrases and adverbs to add description and introducing a wider range of conjunctions to extend sentences to add more detail. The children will be using a wider variety of punctuation to include exclamation marks, question marks and commas and will be learning about the four different types of sentences, statements, questions, exclamations and commands. They will look at texts called Where the Wild Things Are, The Lumberjacks Beard and Meerkat's Mail.
Autumn 2 2022
Knowledge organisers for Autumn 2.
In Science this half term, we will be learning about the uses of everyday materials, in Geography we will begin to learn about the continents and ocean in the world and in RE we are going to be learning about Christianity and why Jesus was given the name 'saviour'.
Science - Uses of Everyday Materials
Geography - Continents and Oceans
RE - Why was Jesus given the name ‘saviour’?
In DT the children have been learning about the parts of vehicles and they have designed and created their own using a range of resources.
In English, this half term the children will be looking at a range of books with rhyming words and poems. The children have started to look at a range books by the author Julia Donaldson and they have learnt that words which rhyme don't always have the same spelling. They have looked at book called 'The Gruffalo' and the noun phrases used to describe the main character. They have learnt how to write noun phrases and expanded noun phrases to describe their own woodland creature.
In Art, the children have started to learn about the artist called Henri Matisse and his piece of artwork called 'The Snail'. The children have learnt about primary and secondary colours and they have started to create their own snail using torn pieces of paper in a spiral pattern.
In Geography, the children have recapped their knowledge of the four countries and capital cities in the UK. They have started to build on this knowledge and learn about the seven continents and the five oceans of the world.
In Maths, the children have been learning to add 10 and subtract 10 from any given number up to 100, subtract across and from a ten and add across and not across ten. The children have been using a range of resources like bead strings, base ten, 100squares, number lines and numicon.
In Science, the children have been learning about the uses of everyday materials, the properties of everyday materials and their suitability for specific purpose. The children had a go at stretching, pulling, bending and squashing a range of materials. The children learnt to use the vocabulary: transparent, translucent, hard, soft, flexible, opaque, bendy, stretchy and rigid to describe materials.
Autumn 1 2022
Knowledge Organisers for Autumn 1.
This half term the theme is 'Amazing Me! Amazing You!'
In Science, the children have started learning about animals and their offspring, identifying offspring that looks the same as the adult and offspring that looks different. They have started to think about what animals including humans need to survive.
In RE, they have started a unit of work on Judaism and they have been learning about what it is like to repent, how they can tell if somebody is sorry and how Rosh Hashanah is celebrated. They tried eating apples with honey which is a tradition at Rosh Hashanah. They have listened to the story 'The Hardest Word' and how a bird called Ziz had to learn how to say sorry for his mistakes. At Yom Kippur, Jewish people have the chance to put things right before asking for God's forgiveness.
In English, the children have looked at a books called 'The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse' and 'The Elves and the Shoemaker.' They have been learning to identify nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, the problem in the story and the resolution, verbs and adverbs and to write their own noun phrases to use in their final piece of writing.
In Art, the children have been learning that expressive marks can be made in response to music and adjectives such as thick, thin, wavy and bumpy. The children then listened to a story called 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' and used their imagination to make expressive marks for main character called Plop.
In Maths, the children have been embedding their knowledge of numbers to 20, learning to partition numbers to 100, thinking about the tens and ones and the different resources which could be used to show this. They have started using the language partition, part, whole, tens, ones, numerals, base ten and ten frames.
In History, the children have been learning that a timeline shows events in chronological order and they have been learning that Florence Nightingale is a significant historical figure.
In Science, the children have been learning what animals including humans need to survive and the importance of exercise and eating a balanced and healthy diet. The children created posters to inform others of what animals and humans need to survive and they created their own healthy meal with foods from each of the food groups.
Miss Jackson - Class Teacher
Summer Term 2, 2022
Welcome to Orwell Class.
Please find more information about our Year 2 class below.
Mrs Robinson - Class Teacher
Design Technology
In DT the children have designed and made animal finger puppets out of felt. They learned how to sew using a running stitch to join two pieces of felt together then decorated their finger puppets by carefully following their plan. Can you guess which animals they are?
Summer Term 1, 2022
This week (week 1), the children made Ngara crosses as part of their RE lesson learning about and exploring symbols of Jesus' death and resurrection. Ngara crosses were created in a school in north-west Tanzania at Ngara Anglican Primary School. The Ngara pupils studied crosses made, in Andy Goldsworthy style, by KS2 pupils in a school in Ipswich. Since then, this has become part of the Year 2 RE curriculum.
The children in Orwell Class enjoyed collecting natural objects found in our local environment and then worked collaboratively to create their own Ngara crosses.
Spring Term 2022
Our whole school focus for the Spring term is 'Our Changing World'. In Year 2 we have linked this to our Science curriculum, living things and their habitats; in Geography looking at continents and locating hot and cold countries around the world and the significance of the equator; in PSHE looking at different environments around the world, the people that live in them and comparing the similarities and differences.English
We read books and used these as a stimuli that also reflect the theme 'Our Changing World' and the importance of looking after the environment and living things having a habitat to which they are suited. Below is a selection of the books we read.
The Lumberjack's Beard |
The Lorax |
Greta and the Giants |
Somebody Swallowed Stanley |
Meerkat Mail |
Lost and Found |
Kaya's Heart Song |
Anthony Frost is a British painter noted for his abstract work consisting of brightly coloured prints and collages. He uses different materials to create texture in his paintings. The children created their own artwork in response to his work.
Easter Cards
In Art & Design, the children had learned how to make brush strokes when stenciling to create images with texture. They applied this technique to make Easter cards.
The children took their learning outside to enjoy the sunshine and to explore the school's outdoor environment. We were investigating micro-habitats with the focus on soil and which minibeasts we could discover. The children carefully dug up some soil then used magnifying glasses to see what they could find. Once they had finished their investigations, the children returned the soil to the same place it had been taken from to ensure all the minibeasts were safely returned to their habitat.
Autumn Term 2021
In RE we have been learning about Judaism. We listened to the story 'The Hardest Word' and how a bird called Ziz had to learn how to say sorry for his mistakes. At Yom Kippur, Jewish people have the chance to put things right before asking for God's forgiveness.