Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School

Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Community, Respect, Compassion.

Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School

Collective Worship

Collective worship is an opportunity to learn about ourselves, worship and celebrate together.

Our collective worship is structured around key Christian Values which are important to our pupils and our school environment and link to our Rainbow Pledges. Each half term we focus on a different Christian value and learn how we can live our lives according to these values.  We develop our understanding of our Values by learning from examples in the Bible, listening to stories, finding out how other people live these values and participating in drama. We welcome visitors who tell us about their work, interests or special events. 

Our Friday Celebration Collective Worship is a celebration of our hard work and an opportunity to receive certificates linked to our Rainbow Pledge, share successes in Sport, Music and any outside achievements and find out all about what each other have been learning. We have Open the Book weekly who use drama to tell Bible stories, involving children in the action.

Children are encouraged to participate in Collective Worship by leading a prayer, suggesting ideas and taking on other responsibilities such as being the symbol bearers. 

Collective Worship is evaluated by the children and recorded in an evaluation book.

Monday - Whole School Collective Worship

Tuesday - Whole School Collective Worship

Wednesday - Open the Book

Thursday - Class Collective Worship

Friday - Celebration Collective Worship

Collective Worship Plan (Click on link)

Autumn 1 Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2


Respect Perseverance/ Courage Friendship

