Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School

Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School and Nursery

'Striving to be more like Jesus'

Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School Life at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School



Our Behaviour Policy is based on the core principle that all members of the school community have rights and responsibilities.  By respecting the rights of all children and adults in the school and taking on the responsibilities we are given, our school is a caring and happy place to work, learn and play.

Pupils are expected to follow our Rainbow Pledges:

  • pupils show respect to all members of the community;
  • pupils have trust in themselves and others;
  • pupils strive to be the best they can (work as hard as they can);
  • pupils look after the environment;
  • pupils are willing to make mistakes and learn from them;
  • pupils are forgiving; and
  • pupils are kind, caring and friendly.

Our Behaviour Policy outlines the rewards and sanctions that are used to reward and encourage appropriate behaviour. Each day is treated as a fresh start. Pupils and adults are encouraged to uphold Christian values of forgiveness and respect when dealing with incidents of inappropriate behaviour.

Teachers work in partnership with parents to support pupils who may have difficulty managing their behaviour. Positive relationships are developed through work in PSHE, learning about Values for Life in Collective Worship, learning from religion in RE and through our relationships with each other. There are also opportunities for groups of children and individuals to work with a member of staff to develop social skills and learn to understand their emotions. Through this range of experiences, we teach children to respect each other and take responsibility for their own behaviour.

At lunchtime, a red and yellow card system is used to support positive behaviour.  Any pupil who shows inappropriate behaviour is given a verbal warning.  If their inappropriate behaviour continues, they will be issued with a yellow card.  If a pupil's inappropriate behaviour continues after receiving a yellow card, they will be issued with a red card.  They will then immediately have five-minutes of time out followed by a conversation with an adult about their behaviour.  If a pupil receives more than one red card in a week, their parents/carers will be informed and a behaviour plan put in place.