Welcome to Sir Robert Hitcham CEVAP School, Debenham
Lockdown Sports Day 2020
Watch the video to see how to enter this event. Good Luck.
Headteacher's News - 22 June 2020
What a busy week last week was! The weather held off for most of the week so the children enjoyed doing lots of their learning outside.
Year 6 continued to explore the school grounds, identifying different plants and wildlife. Year 1 had fun writing about their weekend while Nursery & Reception got busy with the cubes, counting in ones outside. The Key Worker children have been receiving three French lessons a week - they'll be experts by the summer!
I know lots of children are also continuing to work so hard this week. I've seen a superb story and pages (and pages) of Mathematics - how wonderful.
This week, we'll be creating some additional shaded space outside so the children can continue with their outside learning even when the sun is hot.
Miss L Newark, Headteacher
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Message from Miss Newark
Getting into school
Nursery & Reception
Year 1
Year 6