Welcome to Sir Robert Hitcham CEVAP School and Nursery, Debenham
Striving to be more like Jesus
Community. Respect. Compassion.
We are proud of our school and pupils at Sir Robert Hitcham CEVA Primary School and would love to show you around. If you'd like to learn more about our school, please contact 01728 860201 to book a tour.
Headteacher's News
Spring Term
We've already reached the Spring Term - how quickly the first term of the year disappeared!
This term, Blue Class will be taking part in their first sporting competition of the year in a multi-skills festival. Orange and Red Class hope to continue their winning streak as they take on Netball and Hockey competitions.
Our first Fearfully and Wonderfully Made day (Psalm 139) will focus on visual impairment whilst our second one, in Spring 2, will focus on the challenges faced by those who have dyslexia. Both of these days will celebrate everyone as individuals and explore the importance of inclusivity.
We will be raising awareness of how to stay safe online on the 11th February as part of Safer Internet Day.
Our Collective Worship theme will change to Respect linking to our Rainbow Pledge of showing respect to all members of our community. We will learn about showing respect and compassion to ensure our world is a better place as we strive to be more like Jesus.
School opens at 8:45am and the doors close at 9am. Pupils should be in their classroom no later than 9am to avoid missing any learning time.
Mrs L Dumolo, Headteacher